Jim Rogers
Jim Rogers

Episode 27

My guest is Jim Rogers of Unbridled Revenue.

If you’re a professional such as an architect, engineer, or construction company executive, this conversation is definitely for you.

You’ll get ideas about steps you can take to move your career, and your firm, to the next level, and you’ll learn why the earlier you start, the better. The clock is ticking, but it’s never too late.

Jim focuses on the A/E/C community, however, other professionals service providers such as attorneys and accountants can benefit as well.

In fact, if you have a skill that you use to do something for a living, and you want to do more of it, or you want to help your organization get more work for you and others to do, this information will help you.

Jim is a talented and fun presenter and workshop leader. I know that to be true from personal experience.

When your firm or association needs a valuable actionable program, Jim’s your guy.

He’s also your guy if you need a personal professional career development coach.

As a first step after listening to the podcast, get his book titled:

Becoming a Seller-Doer, Succeed at Business Development and Take Command of Your Career.

Contact Information:



Bluegrass Region Highlights


Wild Eggs

The Track Kitchen at Keeneland

Natural Bridge State Park

The Kentucky Horse Park