Episode 17

Sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroads and going off on a tangent is the best direction.

How do we balance family and business for meaningful engagement, service, and income?

What can you do when you have family that you love and customers and business associates that you value and they are in different states?

Can you successfully have a “Split Living” arrangement?

My guest is Z Newell. And he has successfully navigated this issue.

Z has several things that he’s passionate about.

They include his grandkids and other family members, the Real Estate business with his sellers and buyers, Kentucky and the Bluegrass Region, Ithaca New York, music, biking, RV Living, rock climbing, writing, coaching, producing workshops, and of course his many friends.

We talk about how he’s found a workable and meaningful way forward, and how you can too.

If you were to follow Z on his Facebook page, you’d wonder where he might pop up next.

Instead of Where’s Waldo it’s Where’s Z.

Join our conversation as I ask him that.

Z Newell Contact Information:

LexHomes Real Estate


(859) 321-7202

Ithaca Home At Last


(607) 229-2701

Bluegrass Region Highlights

Windy Corner Market

Valley View Ferry