Have you ever wondered what someone was thinking? Have you ever wondered what YOU were thinking?

Often less than desirable results are due to bad decisions. And excellent results come from good decisions. Maybe we could make 2021 a better year by improving how we think and decide.

In my January episode of Bluegrass Region Voices and Views I’m talking with a decision performance expert who can guide us to transform our thinking and get better results, and maybe become indispensable. He is Steve Haffner. Steve is the president of the National Speakers Association Kentucky Chapter.

In this conversation, we’ll talk about his journey from the corporate world to becoming a magician, then a mentalist, and now a consultant, trainer, coach, and speaker helping individuals and organizations improve their performance results through better decisions. And he does this in an entertaining, educational, and motivating manner. It’s almost like magic.

Listen where ever you get your audio, or use the audio player on this website and see the show notes. Here’s the link to that page: https://www.bluegrassregionvoicesandviews.com/confront-the-lizard-with-steve-haffner/

Join us as we explore how to Confront the Lizard.