Dwayne Buckles
Dwayne Buckles

Episode 12

How does one go from being an introverted boy tinkering with farm equipment to creating an organization that helps science, technology, and engineering companies find their markets and sell their products and services?

We’ll find out in this conversation with Lexington entrepreneur Dwayne Buckles.

Hello. I’m Tom Hailey and this is Bluegrass Region Voices and Views, about interesting people, places, and activities around the Bluegrass.

Developing a STEM business growth consulting and coaching business has been an interesting and inspiring journey for Dwayne that contains lessons for all of us.

Drop-in on our conversation as we are talking about meeting in 2009 during the recession.

Dwayne’s Contact Info

Phone: (859) 312-7110

Website: https://rainmakerideas.com/

Bluegrass Region Highlights

Ouita Michel Family of Restaurants

Merrick Inn




Mcleod’s Coffee House

Rainmaker Ideas